Negar Neisari was born on May 6th, 1981 in Tehran. As a child, she was very interested in painting. Her parents were her main supporters in painting. After graduating from Vocational School as a teenager, she became very interested in realistic art. In 2000, she entered the Ara Painting Studio and studied painting with Iman Maleki. She successfully completed drawing and painting courses with great perseverance and interest. Negar has participated in numerous international exhibitions and competitions and won many awards and honors. Along with her artistic activities, she also teaches painting to students in her studio.
Guide LEONARDO/ 2020/ Spain.
Tu Mejor Pintura/ 2020/ Spain.
Art and Freedom XV/ 2020/ Spain.
20 years in 20×20/ 2019/ Spain.
International Realism: 14th International ARC Salon/ 2019/ USA.
Guide LEONARDO/ 2016/ Spain.
Art and Freedom X/ 2015/ Spain.
Art and Freedom XII/ 2012/ Spain.